Customized and high-tech solutions for blister packaging of industrial goods and consumer goods, such as: toothbrushes, stationery, small metal products, SIM cards, cosmetics, air fresheners, car air fresheners, spare parts of various types, electrical and electronic products, goods for children, personal hygiene items, household goods and much more.
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In this field, we offer linear automatic blister packaging machines for the production of the following types of containers:
Our competence and modern technologies allow us to produce blisters in as many different shapes as possible, with or without a euro hole. It is possible to install built-in labeling systems and various types of printers for labeling both on the package and under it.
Since 1979 AL.MA . meets the requirements of the national and international market by producing equipment capable of minimizing waste arising from the use of packaging materials and improving the packaging quality of each product. The entire production process is carried out within the company: from design and engineering to the production of all mechanical components; from the design of the electrical cabinet and its wiring to the implementation of the control system of the machine; from the assembly of all parts to the programming of the control panel and final testing.
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Exclusive distributor of leading European companies producing equipment for plastic processing.
We supply the main and peripheral equipment.
11111, Srbija, Beograd,
Mlatišumina 1A/9
+3 8164 120 6735