Whenever the process requires high temperatures and it is necessary to take advantage of water as a heat carrier, this design series is the best solution.
Both single-circuit and multi-circuit devices, our modular temperature controllers of the Testo WHS series cover a wide range of performance characteristics. Heating capacity from 12 to 600 kW, max. The possible cooling capacity of up to 1,460 kW (at rated power V and Delta tc 20K) and the pump capacity of max. 200 m3/h are impressive basic data of these technically advanced temperature controllers for working with compressed water up to 220 °C.
The teco WH/WH design types have direct cooling. Electric heating is available as standard. However, additionally temperature controllers can be equipped for heating with steam, thermal oil or hot water. A number of useful options are available for specific customer requirements and applications. The eco wh/WH series thermostats can also be configured as cooling or heating units.
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In the case when a relatively large amount of heat passes through a small cooling area, water, in comparison with an oil coolant, has a significant advantage. In order that, with the same average temperature difference between the wall of the mold and the medium, a constant amount of heat can be transferred when using an oil coolant compared to water, a 4-5 times larger cooling surface is needed, i.e. the number of cooling holes. Just with small molds, this is often impossible to implement in practice. The use of water as a coolant has such an advantage in the future that the amount of pumping compared to an oil coolant can be reduced by 2-3 times.
GWK heated water thermostats of the eco wh model range are designed for special use in the temperature range up to 200 °C. Pumps with magnetic connection, control and limitation of recirculation temperature, built-in condensing device, prevention of evaporation, level control is provided by means of a built-in high-pressure recharge device and a serial step-by-step temperature change function for strong heating of the mold at the end of the technological process in a gentle mode and guarantees high reliability of production. Modular design heaters and cooling systems make possible a specific application for any task.
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